السجلات الصحية المحوسبة والرعاية الصحية في الأردن

Al-Sghayer, M.1, AlSadi, M.1, Abu Ghosh, Z.1 1. Electronic Health Solutions, Department of Health Analytics, Amman, Jordan.

Introduction and Background: 

Electronic Health Record (EHRs) provides a secure and patient centered electronic lifetime record of an individuals’ key health history and care information within the health system. EHRs are distinguished in aiding healthcare providers and individuals anywhere, anytime in the support of high quality care. EHRs are designed to facilitate the sharing of data across the continuum of care, healthcare delivery organizations, across time and geographical locations. It is reported that EHRs help in reducing medication errors and cost of healthcare services.

EHRs are deployed increasingly worldwide in healthcare organizations to improve patients’ safety and quality of care. However, to achieve these goals EHRs must be used and adopted by all health care providers overcoming the barriers that may arise in using such systems.

In Jordan

In Jordan, in 2009 Electronic Health Solutions (EHS), a non-for-profit company, was established with three main initiatives; Hakeem® program, Electronic Library of Medicine of Jordan (ELM), and Hakeem Academy. Hakeem® is the nationwide EHRs system, ELM provides a free online access to internationally databases, and Hakeem Academy works on developing and integrating curricula in the field of health informatics.

As of March, 2016, 97 health care facilities including 16 hospitals across Jordan are using Hakeem program and the roll out plan is still going on. With this vast usage of Hakeem, Health informatics education and training should be integrated at the basic undergraduate education level for healthcare students to facilitate the usage, adoption of EHRs in Jordan. Anxiety to use computers, motivation, and age were reported as factors that may hinders the usage of EHRs. 


With the expanding EHRs usage at the healthcare systems, internationally and locally, Healthcare workers and students need to be competent in using EHR systems. Health informatics should be integrated in the basic educational preparation for healthcare personnel. EHRs literacy is not a futuristic luxury; it is here and now, nationwide.