


"EHS" Conducts Its Annual Blood Donation Campaign 2025

As part of its commitment to social responsibility, EHS (Electronic Health Solutions) organized its annual blood donation campaign in collaboration with the Blood Bank Directorate. The event took...

زيارة وفد من مجلس النواب الأردني إلى شركة الحوسبة الصحية

A delegation from the House of Representatives of Jordan visited Electronic Health Solutions.

We were honored to welcome a delegation from the Jordanian Parliament, led by His Excellency Dr. Shaher Al Shatnawi, Head of the Health and Food Committee in the Jordanian Parliament, accompanied by...


EHS and RHAS Partner to Support the “Healthy Community Clinic” Program

Electronic Health Solutions (EHS) and the Royal Health Awareness Society (RHAS) have signed a partnership agreement to advance the “Healthy Community Clinic” (HCC) program by integrating it with EHS’s...


EHS Expands Its Role in Developing Health Informatics Skills through New Partnership with Al-Balqa Applied University

Electronic Health Solutions (EHS), through its Hakeem Academy, has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Al-Balqa Applied University to enhance health informatics skills among students...

9th Hakeem Academy Annual Competition Concludes

9th Hakeem Academy Annual Competition Concludes

The highly anticipated 9th Hakeem Academy Annual Competition hashtag#HAAC by hashtag#Hakeem_Academy reached its exciting climax as all 13 final teams from around the country showcased diverse health...

عايش: حوسبة المستشفيات الحكومية قبل نهاية عام 2024

Digitization of Public Hospitals to be Completed by End of 2024

Omar Ibrahim Ayesh, CEO of Electronic Health Solutions (EHS) and the "Hakeem" program, announced that the company will complete the digitization of all public healthcare sector hospitals in Jordan by...


"Electronic Health Solutions"Pledges to raising the level of healthcare services in Jordan through the optimal use of big data.

We're excited to join the Health Care Accreditation Council's hashtag#Change_Day initiative again, working towards positive transformation in the Jordanian healthcare system. This year's theme, "Your...

In collaboration with “Hakeem” and Royal Medical Services, the Hashemite Charity Organization launches "Restoring Hope" initiative for Gaza amputees

In collaboration with “Hakeem” and Royal Medical Services, the Hashemite Charity Organization launches "Restoring Hope" initiative for Gaza amputees

In collaboration with the Royal Medical Services and “Hakeem program” by Electronic Health Solutions (EHS), has proudly launched a humanitarian initiative titled "Restoring Hope." This initiative is...